The movies that influenced me ...

The movies that influenced me were movies that told their stories through pictures more than words.
 Sam Mendes

Quotes from the same author

Every Bond is different and every generation needs a different Bond and it's been able to move with the times.
 Sam Mendes
Actors get pigeonholed very quickly, particularly movie actors. In the theater, one is more used to casting people against type and trusting that their talent and skill will get them through.
 Sam Mendes
The characters are trapped within the lifestyle. It's about what goes on before the movie starts.
 Sam Mendes
I suppose once in a while, a filmmaker makes a movie that's more than just a sum of its parts, more than good acting or good filmmaking. It's something else that has nothing to do with what you've done. This is in 1999, made by people in 1999 for people in 1999 about people in 1999.
 Sam Mendes
I've directed bits of action and so I know that it's long and it's very detailed. Editing action is a good deal more exciting than shooting action. Shooting action is very, very meticulous, it's increments, tiny little pieces.
 Sam Mendes