The more I study the things ...

The more I study the things of the mind the more mathematical I find them. In them as in mathematics it is a question of quantities; they must be treated with precision. I have never had more satisfaction than in proving this in the realms of art, politics and history.
 Hippolyte Taine

Quotes from the same author

There are four types of men in the world: lovers, opportunists, lookers-on, and imbeciles. The happiest are the imbeciles.
 Hippolyte Taine
Amid this vast and overwhelming space and in these boundless solar archipelagoes, how small is our own sphere, and the earth, what a grain of sand!
 Hippolyte Taine
There are as many kinds of modesty as there are races. To the English woman it is a duty; to the French woman a propriety.
 Hippolyte Taine