The magic of film isn't just ...

The magic of film isn't just because of the big screen, or the acoustics, but the ineffable shared experience of going to the movies.
 Fernando Perez

Quotes from the same author

There was a time when emigration from Cuba was a definitive separation. There were no visits. In the '80s, '90s, it was incredibly difficult. I'm not the only one interested in this as a filmmaker - other Cuban filmmakers have dealt with it, too, because it's such a part of our reality.
 Fernando Perez
In all of my movies I've tried to address the need for man - not just Cubans - to have a dream and to fight for that dream, even when he doesn't achieve it. It's a form of happiness.
 Fernando Perez
The Cuban public is hugely cinephile. It's a shame that most of the movie theaters are so deteriorated. The sense of spectacle has been lost a little, but even so, people continue to go.
 Fernando Perez