The key to success is to ...

The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.
The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.

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Inspirational leaders need to have a winning mentality in order to inspire respect. It is hard to trust in the leadership of someone who is half-hearted about their purpose, or only sporadic in focus or enthusiasm.
 Sebastian Coe
I've always had the mentality of: work hard, get to bed early, focus - and let your work speak for itself.
 Olivia Palermo
The fixed determination to have acquired the warrior soul, to either conquer or perish with honor, is the secret of victory.
 George S. Patton
SHUCHU RYOKU - Focus all your energy to one point.
 Gozo Shioda
See first with your mind, then with your eyes, and finally with your body.
 Yagyu Munenori

Quotes from the same author

Your success in life and work will be determined by the kinds of habits that you develop over time. The habit of setting priorities, overcoming procrastination, and getting on with your most important task is a mental and physical skill. As such, this habit is learnable through practice and repetition, over and over again, until it locks into your subsconscious mind and becomes a permanent part of your behaviour.
There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing.
Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.
Whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy.
You can only grow if you're willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.