The interesting thing about ...

The interesting thing about basketball is that it is played recreationally all over the world in playgrounds where people shoot hoops. Perhaps it is because of this that the look of the game seems to have been able to cross over into streetwear more easily than that of some sports that are confined to more specialist arenas.
 Giorgio Armani

Quotes from the same author

I prefer being around young people. I don't like situations from the past, definitely no nostalgia. I prefer to think of doing everything new with a different generation that has a different mentality.
 Giorgio Armani
I am impressed with America's capacity for change, and their ability to bring someone as inspirational as Barack Obama into the White House.
 Giorgio Armani
I love things that age well - things that don't date, that stand the test of time and that become living examples of the absolute best.
 Giorgio Armani
It is difficult to talk about fashion in the abstract, without a human body before my eyes, without drawings, without a choice of fabric - without a practical or visual reality.
 Giorgio Armani
A perfume is more than an extract it is a presence in abstraction. A perfume, for me, is a mystique.
 Giorgio Armani