The great sin was adopting ...

The great sin was adopting the 21st Century's Socialism, something that not even its founder, Ditrich knows exactly what it is, though he says it is under construction.
 Rafael Correa

Quotes from the same author

We're facing a crisis that we have not provoked, yet we are the main victims of the greatest crisis since the 1930s. It's not been generated by factors external to the system, but by factors that are of the very essence of the system: exacerbated individualism, deregulation, competition, and so on.
 Rafael Correa
To assume all the powers is not good for anybody. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. All those experiments have a bad ending.
 Rafael Correa
The workforce in Latin America was treated as a vulgar instrument for capital accumulation.
 Rafael Correa
I'm not accustomed to giving advice to those who haven't asked for it.
 Rafael Correa