The commission members ...

The commission members themselves were never briefed on Able Danger.
 Curt Weldon

Quotes from the same author

Able Danger consisted of approximately 20 direct individuals working for Special Forces in Tampa, Florida. The total amount of people working for Able Danger was 20.
 Curt Weldon
Able Danger was a top-secret military planning operation, established in '99 by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to identify cells of al-Qaida worldwide and to take out al Qaida terrorists. They identified five cells worldwide, one of them in Brooklyn.
 Curt Weldon
Two weeks before the attack on the USS Cole and then again two days before the attack, they saw through their analysis that a major event was going to occur in Yemen. They told the Navy not to bring the Cole into Yemen harbor. It went in and was attacked.
 Curt Weldon
I am extremely disappointed by the actions of the 9/11 commission.
 Curt Weldon