The absolute ruler may be a ...

The absolute ruler may be a Nero, but he is sometimes a Titus or Marc Aurelius; the people is often Nero, but never Marc Aurelius.
 Antoine Rivarol

Quotes from the same author

It is a notable circumstance that mothers who are themselves open to severe comments as to their, moral character, are generally most solicitous as to the virtuous behavior of their daughters.
 Antoine Rivarol
It is, no doubt, an immense advantage to have done nothing, but one should not abuse it.
 Antoine Rivarol
The methods that help a man acquire a fortune are the very ones that keep him from enjoying it.
 Antoine Rivarol
The subtle sauce of malice is often indulged in by maidens of uncertain age, over their tea.
 Antoine Rivarol
It is said that friendship between women is only a suspension of hostilities.
 Antoine Rivarol