The ability to concentrate ...

The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business - or almost anywhere else for that matter.
 Lee Iacocca

More phrases

Inspirational leaders need to have a winning mentality in order to inspire respect. It is hard to trust in the leadership of someone who is half-hearted about their purpose, or only sporadic in focus or enthusiasm.
 Sebastian Coe
I've always had the mentality of: work hard, get to bed early, focus - and let your work speak for itself.
 Olivia Palermo
The fixed determination to have acquired the warrior soul, to either conquer or perish with honor, is the secret of victory.
 George S. Patton
SHUCHU RYOKU - Focus all your energy to one point.
 Gozo Shioda
See first with your mind, then with your eyes, and finally with your body.
 Yagyu Munenori

Quotes from the same author

Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can't be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people.
 Lee Iacocca
The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business--or almost anywhere else for that matter.
 Lee Iacocca
Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make it happen.
 Lee Iacocca
To solve big problems you have to be willing to do unpopular things.
 Lee Iacocca
I was raised to give back. I was born to immigrant parents and was fortunate to become successful at an early age. I've always felt a strong sense of national service to my country, and I may have been able to provide leadership in the political arena. I don't regret the decision not to enter politics, I just wonder sometimes if I could have changed anything.
 Lee Iacocca