That's what I do. I just let ...

That's what I do. I just let Mother Earth use me, in many, many instances, especially when I am working with pollution. She is a very real Spirit - she is your mother, and if you open to Her, she can come in and use you in a way that is very powerful. That is what Mother Teresa has done, by being selfless.
 Drunvalo Melchizedek

Quotes from the same author

Mother Earth is now stronger than She ever was before. It is almost like taking penicillin. You take it for a few days and then stop, and it makes the illness stronger. The Earth since nuclear experiments is very strong. Everything has been changing.
 Drunvalo Melchizedek
Beside the Unity Breath and prayers, which are excellent to heal the Earth, I recommend truly connecting with Mother Earth and really talking to her. Let Her use you, come into you and use your body and your words to create whatever it is she wants to do.
 Drunvalo Melchizedek
People just need to trust in themselves, believe in God and in Mother Earth and let God and Mother Earth work through them, let them direct their lives, not to actually control them, but direct their lives.
 Drunvalo Melchizedek
Mother Earth is the spirit of the Earth. Amaterasu is the spirit of the Sun, that is, the feminine aspect of the spirit of the Sun. The Sun is a male, but everything is polarized, everything has a male and a female part. And she is the feminine part of light. Relative to the Earth it is more of a male energy, but she is the energy that comes and moves through Mother Earth, to bring consciousness and life.
 Drunvalo Melchizedek
We will be on the fourth for a long time. We haven't entered the area of the fourth that I've talked about in the Flower of Life, because when we do, our bodies will transfer. So this would be some kind of transitional state that we are in. And it would have to do with Mother Earth, the Sun, and God, if they decide to do that.
 Drunvalo Melchizedek