Achieving Success: Inspiring Quotes to Guide You - page 60

If I screw up raising my kids, nothing I achieve will matter much.
If I screw up raising my kids, nothing I achieve will matter much.
 Steve Martin
All great stars are competitive. That's a sign of a true artist - if you don't have the fire of competition deep down inside, you're never going to achieve anything. You have to want to be king of the heap.
Think of success as a game of chance in which you have control over the odds. As you begin to master concepts in personal achievement, you are increasing your odds of achieving success.
 Robert Foster Bennett
For I had rather die in the adventure ot noble achievements, then live in obscure and sluggish security.
 Margaret Cavendish
During a term in office there are highs and lows, but what counts is that the goal is set as well as the means to achieve it, and the force we put into getting results.
 Francois Hollande
With the Cuban presence in Namibia it was possible to achieve the security and real freedom of that country and the end of Apartheid in South Africa, with the modest contribution of the international military presence in Africa.
 Alejandro Castro Espin
You can't achieve anything in life without a small amount of sacrifice.
I think setting a goal, getting a visual image of what it is you want. You've got to see what it is you want to achieve before you can pursue it.
 Chuck Norris
Some are born leaders, some achieve leadership, and some have leadership thrust upon them. Which of these are you, or would you rather not bother?
 Maurice Flanagan
The Bostonians take their learning too sadly: culture with them is an accomplishment rather than an atmosphere; their \
The Bostonians take their learning too sadly: culture with them is an accomplishment rather than an atmosphere; their "Hub," as they call it, is the paradise of prigs.
Look at what President Kennedy managed to achieve during the Cuban missile crisis. If Bush had been president in 1962, do you think he would have avoided a nuclear war?
 Bianca Jagger
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.
The capitalist distribution network, a complex chain of factory, transport, warehouse and retail outlet, is one of the greatest male accomplishments in the history of culture.
If I had to say what my one greatest achievement is, it's that I lasted, and I'm still happy. I hope that comes through.
 Cleve Jones
Giving peace a chance only gives Saddam Hussein more time to prepare for war on his terms, at a time of his choosing, in pursuit of ambitions that will only grow as his power to achieve them grows.
I support public and private partnerships whenever appropriate in order to achieve our goal of a prosperous and vibrant downtown.
 Alan Autry
The outcome of successful planning always looks like luck to saps.
 Dashiell Hammett
We didn\'t see [the NBA lockout] as a victory at all. It was far from what we set it out to accomplish in bargaining, but I thought it was a fair compromise.
We didn't see [the NBA lockout] as a victory at all. It was far from what we set it out to accomplish in bargaining, but I thought it was a fair compromise.
 Adam Silver
Virtually all top achievers know that to really get ahead, you've got to be willing to color outside the lines. Here's why
 James Arthur Ray