Achieving Success: Inspiring Quotes to Guide You - page 51

With God, all things are possible.
With God, all things are possible.
The formula for achieving middle-class success is simple: Finish high school; don't have a child before the age of 20; and get married before having the child.
 Larry Elder
To be loved is important as is having a sense of accomplishment but to love is equally important in life especially when it is combined with taking action to do something for someone else to make their life better.
 Richard Kiel
The reason we have few friends in adversity, is, because we have no true ones in prosperity.
 Norm MacDonald
We become what we think about most.
 John H. Vandenberg
Man — despite his artistic pretensions, his sophistication, and his many accomplishments — owes his existence to a six inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains.
 Paul Harvey
I believe that we're in an ideological struggle; I believe the only way to marginalize those who murder the innocent, to achieve our ideological objectives, is to spread democracy and freedom.
Women don't take enough risks. Men are just 'foot on the gas pedal.' We're not going to close the achievement gap until we close the ambition gap.
 Sheryl Sandberg
Coming to understand a painting or a symphony in an unfamiliar style, to recognize the work of an artist or school, to see or hear in new ways, is as cognitive an achievement as learning to read or write or add.
 Nelson Goodman
Should we not be moved rather than chilled by the knowledge that he might have attained his greatness only through his frailties?
Should we not be moved rather than chilled by the knowledge that he might have attained his greatness only through his frailties?
 Lou Andreas-Salomé
When you look at people who are successful, you will find that they aren't the people who are motivated, but have consistency in their motivation.
 Arsene Wenger
Have dreams/goals and never quit working toward achieving them.
 Adam Rodriguez
No one can mock your meagre achievements or inability to accomplish the simplest of tasks, if they remain figments of your imagination. You can revel, again and again, in the glory of a fairy tale doomed never to appear in reality.
 Chris Murray
The surest way of achieving your goal is through the single-minded pursuit of simple actions.
 Helmuth von Moltke the Elder
The Soviet Union did not achieve victory over the West, so was my information inadequate to help them to victory, or did it play no particular role in their failure to achieve victory?
 Aldrich Ames
Revolting means for good ends make the ends of themselves revolting.
Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them.
 Les Brown
I would love to fight whoever is the best. I want to test myself on how much I can achieve.
 Tomoki Kameda
No one, however powerful and successful, can function as an adult if his parents are not satisfied with him.
No one, however powerful and successful, can function as an adult if his parents are not satisfied with him.
 Frank Pittman
I was successful materially, but I know life is much more than worldly success. I saw all these blessings God had given me. The way to give thanks is obedience to God.
 Hakeem Olajuwon