Achieving Success: Inspiring Quotes to Guide You - page 40

There is no man living that can not do more than he thinks he can.
There is no man living that can not do more than he thinks he can.
One aim of physical sciences had been to give an exact picture the material world. One achievement of physics in the twentieth century has been to prove that that aim is unattainable.
 Jacob Bronowski
When you are satisfied, you are successful. For that's all there is to success is satisfaction.
If you are going to be successful, you need to give up the phrase, "I can't" & all of its cousins, such as "I wish I were able to.
Today's accomplishments were yesterday's impossibilities.
 Robert H. Schuller
Egypt has been a partner of the United States over the last 30 years, has been instrumental in keeping the peace in the Middle East between Egypt and Israel, which is a critical accomplishment that has meant so much to so many people.
Emotional self-control-- delaying gratification and stifling impulsiveness- underlies accomplishment of every sort
 Daniel Goleman
Our lives are lived in intense and anxious struggle, in a swirl of speed and aggression, in competing, grasping, possessing and achieving, forever burdening ourselves with extraneous activities and preoccupations.
 Sogyal Rinpoche
Enlightenment is not something you achieve. It is the absence of something. All your life you have been going forward after something, pursuing some goal. Enlightenment is dropping all that.
 Joko Beck
Watching the world\'s best compete fires you up to achieve your own feats of greatness. When it comes to running, participation and spectating go hand in hand.
Watching the world's best compete fires you up to achieve your own feats of greatness. When it comes to running, participation and spectating go hand in hand.
 Kara Goucher
The team is completely close. Anything you say outside, there is no chance it will go inside. So the team is really strong and compact. We know what we want and how to achieve it on the pitch.
 Jose Mourinho
I want to go to my grave a free man. Surviving against giants-that's victory.
 Todd McFarlane
Almost every man who has by his life-work added to the sum of human achievement of which the race is proud, of which our people are proud, almost every such man has based his life-work largely upon the teachings of the Bible
The main substantive achievement of neoliberalism has been to redistribute rather than to generate wealth and income.
 David Harvey
Exposing their own humility and vulnerability is one of the most difficult challenges for white antiracist, even after achieving an autonomous white racial identity.
 Eileen O'Brien
God doesn't want our success; He wants us. He doesn't demand our achievements; He demands our obedience.
 Charles Colson
Happy people are ignoramuses and glory is nothing else but success, and to achieve it one only has to be cunning.
 Mikhail Lermontov
I must work harder to achieve my goal of not seeking approval from those whose approval I'm not even sure is important to me.
 Lauren Graham
Greatness comes to those who develop a burning desire to achieve high goals.
Greatness comes to those who develop a burning desire to achieve high goals.
 W. Clement Stone
Today the major reason for our interest in Flatland is that for the first time we can achieve some of the dreams of our ancestors a century ago and obtain direct visual experience of phenomena in a dimension higher than our own.
 Thomas Banchoff