Achieving Success: Inspiring Quotes to Guide You - page 29

The difference between insanity and genius is measured only by success and failure.
The difference between insanity and genius is measured only by success and failure.
 Masashi Kishimoto
Establish specific objectives, and move steadily toward them. A rudder won't control a drifting boat; it must be underway. Similarly, you need to be moving forward to gain control of your life.
 Richard G. Scott
A culture is not the anonymous product of undifferentiate d masses, but the sum of the intellectual achievements of individual men.
In high school I was voted the girl most likely to become a nun. That may not be impressive to you, but it was quite an accomplishment at the Hebrew Academy.
 Rita Rudner
You cannot be to wedded to your past accomplishments.
 Mark Schaefer
Achievement brings its own anticlimax.
The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus.
Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do, or cannot achieve. Do. Not. Allow. It.
 Emma Watson
No father could ever be prouder of his son. I hold Charlie's accomplishments dearer than my own. He has been through so much and overcome so much more. Even if he weren't my son he'd still be my best friend.
 Martin Sheen
To play down mothering as small is to crack the very foundation on which greatness stands.
To play down mothering as small is to crack the very foundation on which greatness stands.
I really like players who are not naturally gifted and have to achieve their success by other means. I like when people have to win against their own limitations,rather than just being phenomenally blessed.
 Rita Ackermann
Some of the secret joys of living are not found by rushing from point A to point B, but by inventing some imaginary letters along the way.
 Douglas Pagels
There's nothing like having a sympathetic reader who asks the right questions, who understands what you're trying to achieve and only wants to make it better.
 Donna Tartt
The hand of bone and sinew and flesh achieves its immortality in taking up a pen. The hand on a page wields a greater power than the fleshly hand ever could in life.
 Laurie R. King
Always work harder than other people are willing to work. Sweat more, endure more pain, and then reap the rewards of success and achievement.
 Robert Cheeke
Of all my accomplishments I may have achieved during the war, I am proudest of the fact that I never lost a wingman.
 Erich Hartmann
I think people who are compelled to achieve never really think they've achieved... I think the moment you get to a place when you think 'Oh I'm a fashion legend' then that's when you're no longer competitive in your field.
 Tom Ford
That which achieves its effect by accident is not art.
There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.
There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.
Action achieves more than words.