Achieving Success: Inspiring Quotes to Guide You - page 229

It\'s always difficult for anyone trying to compete against their past achievements.
It's always difficult for anyone trying to compete against their past achievements.
How do you achieve excellence?...Stop doing non-excellent stuff!
 Tom Peters
What people tell me they take away from my books is that they can shape their lives, they can achieve their own dreams. And certainly that's what I want them to take away.
 Tamora Pierce
Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better.
 Edsger Dijkstra
Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.
A wish is a desire without energy
 Paramahansa Yogananda
Vision - You dream the impossible; You imagine the incredible; You achieve the extraordinary.
 Tim Hawkins
I think that with a lot of hard work and dedication, I feel that I could be the best in the world. I'm still only 35 years old... I have a fresh start physically and mentally, and I feel that I can achieve my goal to be the best again.
 Mario Lemieux
I always believe I can beat the best, achieve the best. I always see myself in the top position.
 Serena Williams
You can convene a wider cross-section if you have no turf to defend, because then you don\'t cut across anyone else\'s agenda and you can achieve a great deal.
You can convene a wider cross-section if you have no turf to defend, because then you don't cut across anyone else's agenda and you can achieve a great deal.
 Mary Robinson
Schools should look behind classroom doors and determine the factors that contribute to the kinds of interactions between teachers and students that promote student achievement.
 James Heckman
Creative people rarely need to be motivated-they have their own inner drive that refuses to be bored. They refuse to be complacent. They live on the edge, which is precisely what is needed to be successful and remain successful.
If the mind of man can believe, the mind of man can achieve.
I am a scientist. Mine is a professional world that achieves great things for humanity.
 Randy Schekman
Thrift is not some obsolete Victorian notion. . . . It will be the difference between those who prosper and achieve respect and those who become a burden to their children and society.
 Peter George Peterson
Perfect Freedom is reserved for the man who lives by his own work, and in that work does what he wants to do.
 Robin G. Collingwood
It blows my mind that there are people out there who deny the holocaust. Why would you ever deny such a great achievement. It's like denying the cure for polio or something.
 Zach Braff
Quality is such an attractive banner that sometimes we think we can get away with just waving it, without doing the hard work necessary to achieve it.
 Phil Crosby
If you\'re born with a gift, to behave like it\'s an achievement is not right.
If you're born with a gift, to behave like it's an achievement is not right.
When body, breath, and mind work together in harmony to achieve a spiritual goal, that is yoga.
 Baba Hari Dass