Achieving Success: Inspiring Quotes to Guide You - page 20

A lot of models achieve that kind of iconic position by working primarily with one photographer.
A lot of models achieve that kind of iconic position by working primarily with one photographer.
 Marc Jacobs
We must become children again if we wish to achieve the best.
 Philipp Otto Runge
I've always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up.
 Beverly Sills
The writer's intention hasn't anything to do with what he achieves. The intent to earn money or the intent to be famous or the intent to be great doesn't matter in the end. Just what comes out.
 Lillian Hellman
I think if you're able to make the music you want and you can do it in the right kind of context, you don't have to be a circus ringleader to be successful.
 James Iha
We must never forget that today's legendary achievements-awesome as they may seem-were yesterday's risky adventures. Courage is not the capacity never to be afraid; as Karl Barth reminds us, "Courage is fear that has said its prayers.
 John Claypool
In government institutions and in teaching, you need to inspire confidence. To achieve credibility, you have to very clearly explain what you are doing and why. The same principles apply to businesses.
 Janet Yellen
A literary achievement of the highest order.
 David Guterson
Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
 Norman MacEwen
To achieve our eternal destiny, we will desire and work for the qualities required to become an eternal being.
To achieve our eternal destiny, we will desire and work for the qualities required to become an eternal being.
 Dallin H. Oaks
When your entire life is focused around one goal and one goal only, and you have no other pursuits, it enables you to achieve enormous mastery.
 Liz Garbus
The one thing that separates winners from the losers, is , winners take action.
While every human being has a capacity for love, its realization is one of the most difficult achievements.
Love yourself and realize that whatever you attempt to achieve in Life is a direct reflection of you.
 Joe Greene
Access to goods, services & talent triumphs over ownership
 Lisa Gansky
How dare you, unless you can hold up your own life as a model of rectitude, achievement, and halcyon happiness, open your mouth about the stubborn secrets of living?
 Celestine Sibley
One of the most important rules for success is this: Every great success is the result of hundreds and thousands of small efforts and accomplishments that no one sees or appreciates.
Acting alone, minorities can never achieve the majorities necessary for political change.
To follow art for the sake of being a great man, and therefore to cast about continually for some means of achieving position or attracting admiration, is the surest way of ending in total extinction.
To follow art for the sake of being a great man, and therefore to cast about continually for some means of achieving position or attracting admiration, is the surest way of ending in total extinction.
I think sadly in any industry and in any work related environments females always strive to achieve a certain amount of perfection whether they be skinny or pretty. It's constant in our society.
 Mila Kunis