Achieving Success: Inspiring Quotes to Guide You - page 2

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Success is not about being perfect, it's about being consistent.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
 Tyra Banks
Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world.
 Kevin Kruse
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.
 Robert Collier
Success is not a destination; it is a journey we must all take.
 Michael Phelps
Success is not about what you get, it's about what you give.
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.
Success is not about what you achieve, it's about who you become.
Success is not about being the smartest, it's about being the most determined.
Success is not a one-time event, it's a way of life.
Success is not about what you know, it's about what you do with what you know.
Success is not about doing things perfectly, it's about doing things with purpose.
Success is not about what you achieve, it's about who you inspire.
Success is not about being the best, it's about being better than you were yesterday.
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.
Success is not what you have, but who you are.
Success is not what you have, but who you are.
 Bo Bennett
Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world.
 Roy T. Bennett