Achieving Success: Inspiring Quotes to Guide You - page 195

We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals.
We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals.
Abortion can never be safe. Any procedure where "success" means the killing of another human being can certainly not be safe.
 Abby Johnson
You can't define the ache that's in George's voice. It's just something inherently him. It doesn't need definition. It doesn't need clarification. It doesn't need a lot of things. You just sit back and appreciate it. It's just greatness.
 Vince Gill
Americans have always been able to handle austerity and even adversity. Prosperity is what is doing us in.
 James Reston, Jr.
The way to acquire lasting esteem is not by the fewness of a writer's faults, but the greatness of his beauties, and our noblest works are generally most replete with both.
 Oliver Goldsmith
You have to chase your dreams, no matter what. The impossible just takes a little longer. One stroke at a time, one step at a time, the impossible is easy to achieve.
 Tori Murden
Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe.
 Mark Victor Hansen
It is better to be destroyed than to triumph in slaying the spirit... We die praising the universe in which at least such an achievement as ours can be.
 Olaf Stapledon
What one state could not get alone, what one miner against a powerful corporation could not achieve, can be achieved by the union.
 Mother Jones
Four in a row! We are overwhelmed with gratitude. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the bravery of our clients and the creativity of our teams around the world.
Four in a row! We are overwhelmed with gratitude. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the bravery of our clients and the creativity of our teams around the world.
 Tham Khai Meng
When I hear people watched my film and then got on their own bikes and rode, whether a few miles or across America, to achieve their own goals - that excites me. It's the power of a story.
 Phil Keoghan
In both children and adults, there can be a hard-to-deny link between a robust sense of hope and either work productivity or academic achievement.
 Jeffrey Kluger
We must not rest until right livelihood is within reach of every human being upon this earth we love and cherish. We all have a role to play in achieving this goal.
Faith makes it possible to achieve that which man's mind can conceive and believe.
The true measure of a successful leader is their ability to discover the hidden talent in those they lead and challenge them to achieve greatness. If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you are right.
Success seems to be that which forms the distinction between confidence and conceit.
..all I left with was the magnitude of my mistake, of my missing you. And I have to watch you from this distance, watch you achieve your dreams, live what seemed like this perfect life.
 Gayle Forman
All money means to me is a pride in accomplishment.
 Ray Kroc
I don\'t think that Slaughterhouse-Five was successful movie material. In fact, Vonnegut\'s books mostly I don\'t feel are movie material.
I don't think that Slaughterhouse-Five was successful movie material. In fact, Vonnegut's books mostly I don't feel are movie material.
 Jerry Garcia
Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... but no plans.