Achieving Success: Inspiring Quotes to Guide You - page 182

Unswerving loyalty to duty, constant devotion to truth, and a clear conscience will overcome every discouragement and surely lead the way to usefulness and high achievement.
Unswerving loyalty to duty, constant devotion to truth, and a clear conscience will overcome every discouragement and surely lead the way to usefulness and high achievement.
 Grover Cleveland
I don't know if this is why everything has worked so well and I'm not sure I'd recommend this kind of thinking to anyone else, but I've always known I'd be successful in acting. I have certainly worked for it.
 Jennifer Lawrence
Don't be proud of what you know, and don't be self-confident if you are learned. Be open to advice from the unlearned as well as from the learned. Art knows no limit, and the artists will never achieve perfection.
 Barbara De Angelis
a towering intellect, grand in its achievements, and glorious in its possibilities, may, with the moral and spiritual faculties held in abeyance, be one of the most dangerous and mischievous forces in the world.
 Frances Harper
Without ambition no conquests are made, and no business created. Ambition is the root of all achievement.
 James A. Champy
No successful political transition can take place without leaders and movements that demand and press for freedom.
 Fareed Zakaria
Those skilled in attack move as from above the nine-fold heavens. Thus they are capable both of protecting themselves and of gaining complete victory.
Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum.
 Darren Hardy
We know that the only way to achieve equality is if both men and women want to achieve equality. We also know that equality is not just the right thing to do for men, it is a good thing to do.
 Sheryl Sandberg
Don\'t dwell on what went wrong.
Instead, focus on what to do next.
Spend your energies on moving forward
toward finding the answer.
Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.
I would say my greatest achievement in life right now - my greatest achievement period is - and I'm still trying to achieve it - is to be a wonderful father to my kids.
 Bo Jackson
My father's biggest achievement with us as children was that he taught us that everyone is human and equal, even your enemy has the same needs and wants that you do: understanding, love, inclusion.
 Rula Jebreal
The process of achievement comes through repeated failures and the constant struggle to climb to a higher level.
Age is only a number, a cipher for the records. A man can't retire his experience. He must use it. Experience achieves more with less energy and time.
 Bernard Baruch
The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you.
The house praises the carpenter.
I can now successfully drive a stick. That's a huge accomplishment.
 Shannon Miller
I am personally committed to helping Israelis and Palestinians achieve a peace agreement. With determination, compromise, and the belief that peace is possible, Israelis and Palestinians can make a deal.
An achievement is a bondage. It obliges one to a higher achievement.
An achievement is a bondage. It obliges one to a higher achievement.
One must marry one's feelings to one's beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one's life.