Achieving Success: Inspiring Quotes to Guide You - page 18

Christian life isn’t a one-person race. It’s a relay. You are not alone; you’re part of a team assembled by our unstoppable God to achieve his eternal purposes.
Christian life isn’t a one-person race. It’s a relay. You are not alone; you’re part of a team assembled by our unstoppable God to achieve his eternal purposes.
 Christine Caine
You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand
In terms of language, English is very dominant vis-Ã-vis African language. That in itself is a power relationship - between languages and communities - because the English language is a determinant of the ladder to achievement.
 Ngugi wa Thiong'o
We strive toward a goal, and whether we achieve it or not is important, but it's not what's most important. What matters is how we move toward that goal.
 Scott Jurek
I was very successful from a very early age, and I want to keep it.
 John Mayer
Win or lose, we achieve nothing in the world that we understand [...]' 'But then the world does not matter.' 'Indeed it does not [...] It is good to understand that.
 David Gemmell
If something stands between you and your success - move it. Never be denied.
Governor Romney has a record of tremendous accomplishments. But he never asks for accolades. He just asks, 'How can I help?' That's the mark of a true leader: A humble focus on getting the job done.
 Reince Priebus
To be over much facetious is the accomplishment of courtiers and blemish of the wise.
Her fluency was marvelous. She would say things at random, intricate, flamelike, or slide off into a parenthetical limbo peppered with fireworks-- admirable linguistic feats which a practiced writer might struggle for hours to achieve.
Her fluency was marvelous. She would say things at random, intricate, flamelike, or slide off into a parenthetical limbo peppered with fireworks-- admirable linguistic feats which a practiced writer might struggle for hours to achieve.
A happy marriage isn't the easiest thing in the world to achieve, but it's much easier to come by than a happy but illicit affair.
 Shirley Boone
What is wisdom? It is the skill to achieve the perfect means by the perfect ends
I left Gorbachev's office thinking that everything about him was outsized: his achievements, his mistakes, and, now, his vanity and bitterness.
 David Remnick
The joy of accomplishment is the greatest joy there is.
 R. G. LeTourneau
The non-violent movement seeks justice and reconciliation, not victory - or not just victory.
 Alveda King
I'm a strong proponent of green tech for anyone who can afford it, having spent the last 40 years working toward achieving a smaller and smaller eco-impact for myself.
 Ed Begley, Jr.
I've always been about setting goals. Then when I had a near death experience at nineteen, it made it even more important to strive to achieve certain things.
 Phil Keoghan
Just be yourself. Be honest, work towards a goal, and you'll achieve it.
 Emraan Hashmi
Concentrate on your goals. Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind. If you allow them to, other things could take your concentration away from your ultimate aim.
Concentrate on your goals. Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind. If you allow them to, other things could take your concentration away from your ultimate aim.
It is impossible to dissociate an individual from the environment of which he is a part. No story of achievement should ever be removed from its broader social context.
 Reid Hoffman