Overcome Your Struggles: Quotes to Help You Persevere - page 55

So if 1960 had occurred under the old convention system, Kennedy would have had a very hard time getting the Democratic nomination because he would have been rejected by all those people who had worked with him in Washington.
So if 1960 had occurred under the old convention system, Kennedy would have had a very hard time getting the Democratic nomination because he would have been rejected by all those people who had worked with him in Washington.
 Michael Beschloss
The pleasurable part of public mourning can also lead to a sense of self-sanctification that justifies in advance any war effort, whether or not the target and destruction are in any way related to the initial event.
 Judith Butler
I just wanted to be an ordinary, middle-class person. When I was at Cambridge I made great efforts to lose the last remnants of my cockney accent.
 Peter Ackroyd
INTO THE WILD was a lot of fun, but challenging, 'cause you can get lost in the movement.
 Shannon Leto
The most important thing for me - and the thing I get frustrated about when I don't achieve it - is momentum. Sometimes you hit on it quite naturally and other times it's a mad struggle.
 Jamie Lidell
Aromatic plants bestow no spicy fragrance while they grow; but crush'd or trodden to the ground, diffuse their balmy sweets around.
 Oliver Goldsmith
Since 1787 the principle of freedom of religion has been attacked but never overthrown. Keeping education in the United States free of sectarian influence has long been one of the primary struggles of believers in freedom of religion.
 Joseph Leon Blau
The Economic Problem...the problem of want and poverty and the economic struggle between classes and nations, is nothing but a frightful muddle, a transitory and unnecessary muddle.
 John Maynard Keynes
For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward.
Human beings are not things needing to be motivated and controlled; they are four dimensional - body, mind, heart, and spirit.
Human beings are not things needing to be motivated and controlled; they are four dimensional - body, mind, heart, and spirit.
Effort, not ability, makes the biggest difference in achievement.
To sing about freedom and to pray for its coming is not enough. Freedom must be actualized in history by oppressed peoples who accept the intellectual challenge to analyze the world for the purpose of changing it.
 James H. Cone
Unwearied ceaseless effort is the price that must be paid for turning faith into a rich infallible experience.
A lot of the struggle I had with movies is I really loved moments and tones and feelings in a scene, and I loved creating those, but I never really had great stories to string them together.
 Louis C. K.
I wonder how many people would have thought at the end of World War II that the capitalist system would be one that was meeting the challenges and making things better for people as we approach the 21st century.
 Sanford I. Weill
Struggles only move forward when decent men and women step forward and say, 'enough is enough and no more.'
 Kumi Naidoo
Of all our basic virtues, courage is the one that helps us to live exactly the way we want and provides the psychological fuel we need to create, take risks, help others, and face hard times... Courageous action is humanity at its finest.
 Robert Biswas-Diener
The idols of today are unmistakable - self-esteem without achievement, sex without consequences, wealth without responsibility, pleasure without struggle and experience without commitment.
 Jonathan Sacks
Now a great debate has been born. The thesis is Democratic Socialism. The antithesis is free-market capitalism. The Obama Democrats have posed the challenge. It is now up to the Republicans to pick it up and fight along these lines.
Now a great debate has been born. The thesis is Democratic Socialism. The antithesis is free-market capitalism. The Obama Democrats have posed the challenge. It is now up to the Republicans to pick it up and fight along these lines.
 Dick Morris
With every adversity there is a seed of an equivalent or greater benefit for those who are motivated with positive mental attitude to become achievers.
 W. Clement Stone