Overcome Your Struggles: Quotes to Help You Persevere - page 46

People regulate their level and distribution of effort in accordance with the effects they expect their actions to have. As a result, their behavior is better predicted from their beliefs than from the actual consequences of their actions
People regulate their level and distribution of effort in accordance with the effects they expect their actions to have. As a result, their behavior is better predicted from their beliefs than from the actual consequences of their actions
 Albert Bandura
San Francisco businesses face many challenges, including high rents, regulatory burdens, and the rising cost of workers compensation insurance and employee health plans
 Gavin Newsom
Many times I've sat with a camera and another actor and seen all their fears and insecurities and struggles. You want to support them and help them as much as you can.
 Christopher Eccleston
As I grew older and more mature, I've been able to move beyond the immediate response of violence to a projection of the pragmatic, political consequences of that violence. So it's an effort to attain equilibrium.
 Wole Soyinka
I travel internationally a lot and I have a hard time sleeping and staying awake normally after crossing multiple time zones, especially going east. I've tried light therapy but not found it too helpful.
 William Gurstelle
Choosing our own aims and seeking to bring them to fruition creates a sense of vitality and motivation in life. The only things that derail our efforts are fear and oppression.
 Brendon Burchard
It has never been more critical that a leader step forward to accelerate our understanding of cancer - and champion the effort to finally defeat it. That leader will be the Duke Cancer Institute.
 Victor J. Dzau
When a new project comes along, I want to know that the experience is going to be challenging and exciting. Part of me is going to be drawn to doing something new and also the satisfaction of intellectual curiosity.
 Tom Hiddleston
I love vocal music, but I've had a hard time understanding myself through the English language. So it just seemed to me that if I relied solely on creating a voice out of the music, then I might be able to reach something more profound.
Adversity is a good test of our resiliency, our ability to cope, to stand back up, to recover from misfortune. Adversity is a painful pedagogue.
Adversity is a good test of our resiliency, our ability to cope, to stand back up, to recover from misfortune. Adversity is a painful pedagogue.
 Charles R. Swindoll
Extraordinary accomplishments are only achieved when we are able to overcome extraordinary challenges.
 O. J. Brigance
Humans are not physically normal in the absence of hard physical effort.
 Mark Rippetoe
I've worked in pubs for years and you get people challenging you. Challenging your masculinity.
 Carl Froch
In the mouth of Society are many diseased teeth, decayed to the bones of the jaws. But Society makes no effort to have them extracted and be rid of the affliction. It contents itself with gold fillings.
Despite the success cult, men are most deeply moved not by the reaching of the goal but by the grandness of the effort involved in getting there - or failing to get there.
 Max Lerner
I have a hard time getting motivated to do something that seems like a career move. I've gotten into vague trouble with my agents for turning down work that I thought was exploitative.
 Mira Sorvino
Is there a movie I think I should have won the Oscar for? Yeah. All of them.
Blessings come in disguise. And challenges can be a blessing.
 Diane Lane
In death, you once more challenge people from every strata, religion, and position to think about how their own actions do and can change the world for better or worse.
In death, you once more challenge people from every strata, religion, and position to think about how their own actions do and can change the world for better or worse.
 Ahmed Kathrada
The weakest living creature, by concentrating his powers on a single object, can accomplish good results while the strongest, by dispersing his effort over many chores, may fail to accomplish anything.