Overcome Your Struggles: Quotes to Help You Persevere - page 33

Human entertainment will have moved on to something new. Then the ultimate challenge for us is, can we figure out what that new form of entertainment is?
Human entertainment will have moved on to something new. Then the ultimate challenge for us is, can we figure out what that new form of entertainment is?
 Reed Hastings
It wasn't until I moved to New York that I decided to make a conscious effort to be myself.
 Kumail Nanjiani
Feminism as a political movement has to specifically address the needs of men in their struggle to revolutionize their consciousness.
I think feminist pedagogy should not simply expose students to a particularized academic scholarship but that it should also envision the possibility of activism and struggle outside the academy.
 Chandra Talpade Mohanty
Talk about a struggling artist having to work against enormous odds ... But I love movies so much, so I'm going to do it.
 Ariel Pink
If we are to help heal the world, we need to remember that it is a sacred place. Our actions need to be positive statements, reminders that even in the worst times there is a world worth struggling for.
 Ram Dass
We have, as all will agree, a free Government, where every man has a right to be equal with every other man. In this great struggle, this form of Government and every form of human right is endangered if our enemies succeed.
I'm calling my book series the 'with God series.' And this next 'with God' book is Friendship with God, which comes out in November. This books challenges us to bring about the end of 'better' on this planet.
Every great accomplishment of mankind has been preceded by an extended period, often over many years, of concentrated effort.
 Earl Nightingale
For gold is tried in the fire and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity.
For gold is tried in the fire and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity.
I have always regarded global development as a struggle between the forces of good and evil. Not to be simplified as a struggle between Jesus and Satan, since I do not consider that the process is restricted to our own sphere of culture.
 Alva Myrdal
Much sheer effort goes into avoiding the truth; left to itself, it sweeps in like the tide.
 Fay Weldon
There are no borders in this struggle to the death. We cannot be indifferent to what happens anywhere in the world, because a victory by any country over imperialism is our victory, just as any country's defeat is a defeat for all of us.
 Che Guevara
So, for me, working with larger companies has often been very satisfying, precisely because of the ability of bringing critical mass to bear on a given effort.
 Vinton Cerf
I accept any challenge.
 Jennifer Hudson
This Ariyan Eightfold Path, that is to say: Right view, right aim, right speech, right action, right living, right effort, right mindfulness, right contemplation.
But the question is to find and rear leaders that are really one with the masses. This can only be accomplished by the masses, the political parties and the Trade Unions, by means of the most severe struggle, also inwardly.
 Herman Gorter
It's very fascinating, it's very addictive, and it's incredibly challenging. You're never satisfied. It's kind of like advertising. You're never satisfied
 Jay Chiat
The most direct and practical method of self-development is to achieve yourself by your own effort.
The most direct and practical method of self-development is to achieve yourself by your own effort.
 Hua Ching Ni
I'd like to be a weak, boring housewife. Because then it would involve more acting. It would be challenging to do something like that.
 Izabella Scorupco