Overcome Your Struggles: Quotes to Help You Persevere - page 19

In literature the ambition of the novice is to acquire the literary language; the struggle of the adept is to get rid of it.
In literature the ambition of the novice is to acquire the literary language; the struggle of the adept is to get rid of it.
Whatever we accomplish is due to the combined effort.
All I can do is to urge on you to regard friendship as the greatest thing in the world; for there is nothing which so fits in with our nature, or is so exactly what we want in prosperity or adversity.
It was important to keep moving. Certain struggles continued. Others had to be brought to a close. The wisdom was in deciding which.
 Robert Ludlum
The way those clubs shift against Ted Williams, I can't understand how he can be so stupid not to accept the challenge to him and hit to left field.
 Ty Cobb
Let us hear what the Bible says and what we as Christians are called to hear together: By grace you have been saved.
 Karl Barth
The struggle which is not joyous is the wrong struggle. The joy of the struggle is not hedonism and hilarity, but the sense of purpose, achievement and dignity.
 Germaine Greer
I feel fortunate to have made records during an era where people actually bought music. But I have friends in struggling up-and-coming bands now that will certainly never be able to pay the rent, because music has been devalued.
 Tom Morello
It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn't matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.
When you feel the world is against you or you give up hope, you look at your heroes and say, \
When you feel the world is against you or you give up hope, you look at your heroes and say, "They were able to do it. They had hard times and a lot of opposition, but they got through it." Then you feel, "I can do it too.
 John Leguizamo
Well, any effort to maximize your potential and ability is a good thing.
 Daniel Goleman
I could live a normal life. My motivation is only to take on new challenges.
 Holly Madison
When you've done all you can, do just a little bit more. Any extra effort you make will draw immense leverage from all the ordinary efforts which have preceded it. That can be powerful and effective.
 Ralph Marston
Chris [Evans] sent us a text that The Avengers assemble at such and such bar at 9 on Saturday night. That was a good group effort.
 Chris Hemsworth
The state spends much time and effort persuading the public that it is not really what it is and that the consequences of its actions are positive rather than negative.
 Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Is it possible to fulfill this task, is it possible to achieve the definite victory of Socialism in one country without the combined efforts of the proletarians of several advanced countries? No, it is impossible.
 Leon Trotsky
When we strive to keep the commandments of God, repenting of our sins and promising our best efforts to follow the Savior, we begin to grow in confidence that through the Atonement everything will be all right.
 Wilford W. Andersen
If you can't sell tickets you'll struggle.
 Ricky Hatton
Indeed the very word, nonviolence, a negative word, means that it is an effort to abandon the violence that is inevitable in life.
Indeed the very word, nonviolence, a negative word, means that it is an effort to abandon the violence that is inevitable in life.
If you don't like your situation in life, don't fret or worry--do something about it. Worry less, and act more.