Discover Your Inner Strength: Quotes to Empower You - page 9

Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career.
Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career.
 Abdul Kalam
Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end.
 Lord Acton
It is a common happening that those in power, as their tenure of office continues, find themselves less and less able to contemplate relinquishing it.
 Anthony Eden
I think I've been able to witness Canadian hip-hop get a lot more respect from our own people. I think some of the artists that came before me were doing their thing but lacked a strong next generation of artists to help them capitalize.
 JD Era
Human security comes only with human rights and the rule of law. Human rights are the basis for creating strong and accountable states without which there can be no political stability or social progress.
 Irene Khan
Dont be frightened of failure. It makes you stronger if you learn from your mistakes.
 Mark Lawrenson
Further, by acting decisively in Iraq, the United States has sent very strong signals to other nations that have been or could be terrorist sympathizers.
 Jim Gerlach
Commit to "CAN I!" - Constant And Never-Ending Improvement.
Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to carry on with dignity in spite of it.
 Scott Turow
People say you need to be strong, smart, and lucky to survive hard times, war, a natural disaster, or physical torture. But I say emotional abuse—anxiety, fear, guilt, and degradation—is far worse and much harder to survive.
People say you need to be strong, smart, and lucky to survive hard times, war, a natural disaster, or physical torture. But I say emotional abuse—anxiety, fear, guilt, and degradation—is far worse and much harder to survive.
 Lisa See
One of the most powerful devices is to distort time, to go from human time to atomic time, geologic time. Sometimes you can actually accomplish that, with one unexpected word choice.
 Robert Morgan
Versatile Tangerine is striking enough to stand on its own and adds vitality to a printed pattern. Good natured and friendly, but with a tangy edge, this fun-loving color invites a smile.
 Leatrice Eiseman
The Nobel Peace Prize is a powerful message. A durable peace is not a single achievement, but an environment, a process and a commitment.
 Mohamed ElBaradei
I know from my experience it is up to the working people to save themselves. The only way they can save themselves is by a strong working-class movement.
 Rose Schneiderman
In our industry today only a strong company with a global reach can ensure long-term employment and provide acceptable returns for shareholders.
We're finding [texting] 11 times more powerful than email [for communicating with kids].
 Nancy Lublin
As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.
Feelings of passion, pure bliss, reverence, optimism, trust and illumination indicate that your desire to manifest success and abundance has an extremely strong pulling power from the universal source to you.
A true initiate will never force anyone who has not reached a certain level of maturity to accept his truth.
A true initiate will never force anyone who has not reached a certain level of maturity to accept his truth.
 Franz Bardon
The appeal to force is the abandonment of reason.
 Irving Copi