Discover Your Inner Strength: Quotes to Empower You - page 79

One day he (Einstein) said that the only mechanical force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy is will. That Albert guy was not stupid. With will you can achieve things.
One day he (Einstein) said that the only mechanical force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy is will. That Albert guy was not stupid. With will you can achieve things.
 Jose Mourinho
The wind kicks in stronger, branches clatter. Or maybe skeletons. Bones of abandonment. Ghosts that will never be.
 Ellen Hopkins
As you evolve and develop your psychic abilities, you will enter into perceptions of life, truth, beauty and you will gain a power to live your life in an intelligent, perceptive and strong way.
The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern: every class is unfit to govern.
 Lord Acton
With our work at Kazaa, we began seeing growing broadband connections and more powerful computers and more streaming multimedia, and we saw that the traditional way of communicating by phone no longer made a lot of sense.
 Niklas Zennstrom
True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.
 Saint Francis de Sales
One man with courage is a majority.
Before one accepts spirituality, astrology is very powerful, like a lion. Then when one enters into a deeper spiritual life, astrology becomes a tiny household cat.
Putting together a really strong unifying team was an absolute condition. When that fell away, I think that Michael [Gove] felt things had changed.
 Dominic Raab
I am a strong believer in the ability of human beings to change for the better. I am a strong believer in trying to change what we are dissatisfied with.
I am a strong believer in the ability of human beings to change for the better. I am a strong believer in trying to change what we are dissatisfied with.
 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I’m not a Christian because I’m strong and have it all together. I’m a Christian because I’m weak and admit I need a Savior.
I've never been able to force a novel. I always had the sense something being given to me. You can't sit around and wait until inspiration strikes, but neither can you force into being something that isn't there.
 Margaret Laurence
There may or may not be a God or gods; the Siblings do not concern themselves with proving or disproving such a thing. By definition, gods are more powerful than men, and thus quite able to fend for themselves without help.
 Steve Perry
Free men are the strongest men.
 Wendell Willkie
I love acting because it's empowering. It empowers me.
 Bryan Cranston
By God's help, and the intelligent use of their own strong right arms they could accomplish great things.
 James Larkin
When I came into the acting profession, it was quite hierarchical. You didn't sit at the same table as the leading actor. Sir Laurence Olivier, Sir John Gielgud... these were very, very intimidating and powerful people.
 Helen Mirren
A courageous warrior knows that she is powerfully sourced by something much greater than herself and that she can release the judgments of others.
 Debbie Ford
Power and violence are opposites; where the one rules absolutely, the other is absent. Violence appears where power is in jeopardy, but left to its own course it ends in power\'s disappearance.
Power and violence are opposites; where the one rules absolutely, the other is absent. Violence appears where power is in jeopardy, but left to its own course it ends in power's disappearance.
Failure can be an incredibly motivating force.
 Jacqueline Novogratz