Discover Your Inner Strength: Quotes to Empower You - page 72

Boxers are resilitant guys. We know how to take of a big punch that hits us, we know how to survive. Oscar is a survivor, he\'s gonna be back bigger and stronger.
Boxers are resilitant guys. We know how to take of a big punch that hits us, we know how to survive. Oscar is a survivor, he's gonna be back bigger and stronger.
 Bernard Hopkins
I got a very strong sense from my mother, in particular, that we are all equal in the sight of God.
 Johann Lamont
He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark.
I am subject to very powerful lows. When you have highs, you have terrible lows. When you pinpoint that you are responsible for everything that happens to you, it is very frightening.
 Jeanne Moreau
The only way to get people to like working hard is to motivate them. Today, people must understand why they're working hard. Every individual in an organization is motivated by something different.
 Rick Pitino
Even the strongest man needs friends.
 Mario Puzo
May you have a strong foundation when the winds of change shift...and may you be forever young.
It is natural to try to understand one's own time and to seek to analyse the forces that move it.
 Emily Greene Balch
Something sacred, that's it. We ought to be able to say that such and such a painting is as it is, with its capacity for power, because it is "touched by God.
Save money on the big, boring stuff so that you have something left over for life\'s little pleasures.
Save money on the big, boring stuff so that you have something left over for life's little pleasures.
 Elisabeth Leamy
You cannot be buried in obscurity: you are exposed upon a grand theater to the view of the world. If your actions are upright and benevolent, be assured they will augment your power and happiness.
 Cyrus the Great
Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history.
 Dinesh D'Souza
Man's conditioning has been so powerful that It has all but distroyed his ability to be self aware.
 Herb Goldberg
My testimony has been my anchor and my stay, my satisfaction in times of joy and gladness, my comfort in times of sorrow and discouragement.
 Amy B. Lyman
One can only learn his powers of action by action, and his powers of thought by thinking
 John Burroughs
Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible.
 Miguel de Unamuno
My mother is a strong, wonderful woman. I could never be anything she didn't want me to be.
If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.
Christ knows how to minister to others perfectly. When the Savior stretches out His hands, those He touches are uplifted and become greater, stronger, and better people as a result. If we are His hands, should we not do the same?
Christ knows how to minister to others perfectly. When the Savior stretches out His hands, those He touches are uplifted and become greater, stronger, and better people as a result. If we are His hands, should we not do the same?
The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.