Discover Your Inner Strength: Quotes to Empower You - page 42

“Tomorrow’s victory is today’s practice.”
“Tomorrow’s victory is today’s practice.”
 Chris Bradford
The political spirit is the great force in throwing the love of truth and accurate reasoning into a secondary place.
 John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn
This life is a hard fact; work your way through it boldly, though it may be adamantine; no matter, the soul is stronger.
To have united the purposes of an entire Nation, is the great historical achievement of the man in whose strong hands our President has placed the fate of our people.
 Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach
I don't have to take this abuse from you -- I have hundreds of people waiting in line to abuse me!
 Bill Murray
Eisenhower advocated a variety of strong actions which he had never taken when he was president. Maybe this was just the pattern of former presidents; maybe it reflected how much the circumstances had changed on the ground.
 Nancy Gibbs
I am a strong believer that as one moves toward the future, the strongest and clearest way to do it is if you have a good sense of your past. You cannot have a very tall tree without deep roots.
 Cesar Pelli
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”
... he was sunset against the mountains, strong, vibrant, dangerous, and yet somehow sheltering, protective. And married. Picnic, meet rain.
 Devon Monk
I will ever be grateful for the wise counsel of a strong and inspired father when he taught, \
I will ever be grateful for the wise counsel of a strong and inspired father when he taught, "If you always say no to the first temptation, you will not have to worry if you will be able to say no to the second one.
 Harold G. Hillam
We're told that men are strong & brave, but I think women know how to endure, accept defeat & bear physical & mental agony much better than men.
 Lisa See
Making anything a success rests with people and commitment; strong will to always do the best, confidence in one another.. and absolute determination.
 Jørgen Roed
I firmly believe that a representational painting is only as strong as its abstract components.
 Robert Reynolds
Power? It's like a Dead Sea fruit. When you achieve it, there is nothing there.
 Harold MacMillan
The purpose of getting power is to be able to give it away.
 Aneurin Bevan
A good school teaches you resilience - that ability to bounce back.
 Kate Reardon
The bolder and more courageous you are, the more you will learn about yourself.
 Harriet Lerner
The right to hope is the most powerful human motivation I know.
 Aga Khan IV
It is the role of good journalism to take on powerful abusers, and when powerful abusers are taken on, there\'s always a bad reaction. So we see that controversy, and we believe that is a good thing to engage in.
It is the role of good journalism to take on powerful abusers, and when powerful abusers are taken on, there's always a bad reaction. So we see that controversy, and we believe that is a good thing to engage in.
It may often be noticed, the less virtuous people are, the more they shrink away from the slightest whiff of the odour of un-sanctity. The good are ever the most charitable, the pure are the most brave.
 Dinah Maria Murlock Craik