Discover Your Inner Strength: Quotes to Empower You - page 18

Man\'s freedom is never in being saved from troubles, but it is the freedom to take trouble for his own good, to make the trouble an element in his joy.
Man's freedom is never in being saved from troubles, but it is the freedom to take trouble for his own good, to make the trouble an element in his joy.
You only get out of it what you put into it. If you are a sheep in this world, you're not going to get much out of it.
 Greg Norman
[A]lthough a republican government is slow to move, yet when once in motion, its momentum becomes irresistible.
Victims make excuses. Leaders deliver results.
Loving-kindness and compassion are the basis for wise, powerful, sometimes gentle, and sometimes fierce actions that can really make a difference - in our own lives and those of others.
 Sharon Salzberg
A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided.
The threat to change Senate rules is a raw abuse of power and will destroy the very checks and balances our founding fathers put in place to prevent absolute power by any one branch of government.
 Harry Reid
It's not your job to like me - it's mine
 Byron Katie
A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.
 Patricia Neal
A nation of slaves is always prepared to applaud the clemency of their master who, in the abuse of absolute power, does not proceed to the last extremes of injustice and oppression.
A nation of slaves is always prepared to applaud the clemency of their master who, in the abuse of absolute power, does not proceed to the last extremes of injustice and oppression.
At the centre of nonviolence is a force which is self-acting.
Certainly I'm not saying that you sit down and patiently accept injustice. I'm talking about a very strong force, where you stand up with all your might against an evil system, and you are not a coward.
Development seems to have become the agenda only of government. It is seen as a scheme. That should not be the case. Development should be everyone`s agenda. It should be a people's movement.
“Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior.”
 Karl Von Clausewitz
I like to play women who are not strong at all, because, there's certainly plenty of myself that is no kind of a warrior.
 Nick Offerman
Be strong, get beyond all superstitions, and be free.
When one is trying to do something beyond his known powers it is useless to seek the approval of friends. Friends are at their best in moments of defeat.
Personally I have never been able to understand why the head of a big business, whether it be the Nation, the State or the Army, or Navy should not desire to have very strong and positive people under him.
I believe that to do anything in this world one needs a love for risk and adventure, and above all, to be able to do without what middle-class families call \
I believe that to do anything in this world one needs a love for risk and adventure, and above all, to be able to do without what middle-class families call "future.
 Joan Miro
The more powerful you become, the more others will find ways to master you. They'll do it through those you love and those you hate. They will find the bit and the bridle that fits your mouth and will make you yield.
 Holly Black