Discover Your Inner Strength: Quotes to Empower You - page 134

“Warriors don’t raise to the level of expectations, they fall to the level of their training.”
“Warriors don’t raise to the level of expectations, they fall to the level of their training.”
Women are more powerful than they think. A mother's warmth is the essence of motivation. If we could liquefy the encouragement, care and compassion we deliver to our children it would surely fill an expanse greater than the Pacific.
 Louise Burfitt-Dons
Whether a man is burdened by power or enjoys power; whether he is trapped by responsibility or made free by it; whether he is moved by other people and outer forces or moves them - this is of the essence of leadership.
 Theodore White
I grew up in a household where reading was encouraged. My mother believed in the power of words, and my father obviously did too.
 Caroline Kennedy
The man who is wise enough to know the right thing to do, who is good enough to wish to do only the right thing, and who is able and strong enough to do the right thing is a truly great man.
 Wallace D. Wattles
“To be heroic is to be courageous enough to die for something; to be inspirational is to be crazy enough to live a little.”
We have it in our power to begin the world over again.
The only failure is not trying.
When our actions create discord in another person, we, ourselves, in this lifetime or another, will feel that discord. Likewise, if our actions create harmony and empowerment in another, we also come to feel that harmony and empowerment.
All this has been very formative in both my research and my teaching, so I value it enormously in my life. It\'s why I\'m a strong proponent of general education -- because I saw how it opened my eyes.
All this has been very formative in both my research and my teaching, so I value it enormously in my life. It's why I'm a strong proponent of general education -- because I saw how it opened my eyes.
 Paul Rozin
Access to power must be confined to those who are not in love with it.
A man in the house is worth two in the street.
The framework of a symphony must be so strong that it forces you to follow it, regardless of the environment and circumstances.
 Jean Sibelius
The media can be challenging, but at the same time, without the media, I would not have been able to share my personal story. Often the media can bring beauty and encouragement to people's lives...
 Bethany Hamilton
Many other cities could go the way that Los Angeles went last night unless the president is willing to step in and take some strong action in terms of letting people know that he cares about this issue.
 Maxine Waters
Sometimes, very occasionally, you do your best boxing with your mouth.
 Bryce Courtenay
Love must neither beg nor demand. Love must be strong enough to find certainty within itself. It then cease to be moved and becomes the mover.
Words empower us, move us beyond our suffering, and set us free.
If one has got power, one must manifest it in action.
If one has got power, one must manifest it in action.
The nearer a person approaches the Lord, a greater power will be manifested by the adversary to prevent the accomplishment of His purposes.