Discover Your Inner Strength: Quotes to Empower You - page 133

If the most you can do right now is walk around the block, then do that, and you will be surprised how quickly you increase your endurance and enthusiasm for moving and breathing.
If the most you can do right now is walk around the block, then do that, and you will be surprised how quickly you increase your endurance and enthusiasm for moving and breathing.
The weightiest end of the cross of Christ that is laid upon you, lieth upon your strong Savior.
 Samuel Rutherford
Businesses acting as businesses, not as charitable donors, are the most powerful force for addressing the pressing issues society face(s)
 Tony Elumelu
“To hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.”
 Miyamoto Musashi
“Come back with your shield, or upon it.”
 Spartan Mother
When one reaches absolute power, one loses total contact with reality.
 Gabriel Garcia Marquez
If the disciples needed to be so endued and to preach the gospel with the Holy Spirit and with the manifestation of the Almighty, are we better than them able to carry on God's work without the empowerment they had?
 Reinhard Bonnke
There is magic in knocking down your most important domino day after day. All you have to do is avoid breaking the chain, one day at a time, until you generate a powerful new habit in your life.
 Gary W. Keller
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.
 Harold Sherman
In politics nothing is immutable. Events carry within them an invincible power. The unwise destroy themselves in resistance. The skillful accept events, take strong hold of them and direct them.
In politics nothing is immutable. Events carry within them an invincible power. The unwise destroy themselves in resistance. The skillful accept events, take strong hold of them and direct them.
The mantra of independence was Satyagraha. And the warriors were Satyagrahis. The mantra of New Age India must be Swachhagrah. And the warriors will be Swachhagrahis.
I will say that I think Israel enjoys strong bipartisan support in the United States. It's really above and beyond American politics.
 Benjamin Netanyahu
Peak performers develop powerful mental images of the behavior that will lead to the desired results. They see in their mind's eye the result they want, and the actions leading to it.
 Charles Garfield
“Every victorious warrior draws his strength from the highest source; his love.”
 Tapan Ghosh
I love a friendship that flatters itself in the sharpness and vigor of its communications.
The world will not be inherited by the strongest, it will be inherited by those most able to change.
“You should reach the limits of virtue before you cross the border of death.”
You were born to achieve, to release your inner power, to fulfill your uniqueness.
 Eric Butterworth
Liberty is so much latitude as the powerful choose to accord to the weak.
Liberty is so much latitude as the powerful choose to accord to the weak.
 Learned Hand
Cherish forever what makes you unique, 'cuz you're really a yawn if it goes.
 Bette Midler