Discover Your Inner Strength: Quotes to Empower You - page 107

Beware of him that is slow to anger; for when it is long coming, it is the stronger when it comes, and the longer kept. Abused patience turns to fury.
Beware of him that is slow to anger; for when it is long coming, it is the stronger when it comes, and the longer kept. Abused patience turns to fury.
 Francis Quarles
Pine trees with low limbs spread over fresh snow made a stronger vault for the spirit than pews and pulpits ever could.
 Daniel Woodrell
Remember that I am just a woman who is living a very abundant life. Every step I take forward is on a path paved by strong Indian women before me.
 Wilma Mankiller
Struggle is strengthening. Battling with evil gives us the power to battle evil even more.
 Ossie Davis
One of the happiest consequences of the absence of the development of individual strength that inevitably follows.
There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in possession of its rightful owner, or that has not been taken away from owner after owner, cycle afer cycle, by force and bloodshed.
There is only one '' principle that can preserve a free society: namely, the strict prevention of all coercion except in the enforcement of general abstract rules equally applicable to all.
The whole purpose of letting pain be pain is this: to let go of pain. By entering into it, we see that we are strong enough and capable enough to move through it. We find out that it ultimately has a gift for us.
 Matthew Fox
Men like the kings and the queens because men are weak! No strong man accepts any king or queen!
Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum.
Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum.
 Darren Hardy
A government cannot be wrong in punishing fraud or force, but it is almost certain to be wrong if, abandoning its legitimate function, it tells private individuals that it knows their business better than they know it themselves.
 Thomas B. Macaulay
Imagine how free we would feel and what we could accomplish if we could live without fear.
 Susan L. Taylor
Anarchism as a political philosophy seeks to dissolve all forms of authority and power, and if possible, wishes their complete abolition.
 Peter Marshall
Power: The ability to force or coerce someone to do your will, even if they would choose not to, because of your position or your might.
 James Hunter
This is one of the stout-hearted old warriors: he is angry with civilization because he supposes that its aim is to make all goodthings--honors, treasures, beautiful women--accessible even to cowards.
The more we realize our minuteness and our impotence in the face of cosmic forces, the more amazing becomes what human beings have achieved.
Stress is caused by being 'here' but wanting to be 'there'.
A child's hand in yours - what tenderness and power it arouses. You are instantly the very touchstone of wisdom and strength.
 Marjorie Holmes
With virtue and quietness one may conquer the world.
With virtue and quietness one may conquer the world.
Anarchy is the stepping stone to absolute power.