Stoic Quotes: Timeless Wisdom for a Fulfilling Life - page 24

This may be said for the last quarter of the twentieth century:  the truism that if we want a better world we will have to be better people came to be acknowledge, if not thoroughly understood, by a significantly large minority.
This may be said for the last quarter of the twentieth century: the truism that if we want a better world we will have to be better people came to be acknowledge, if not thoroughly understood, by a significantly large minority.
Yes, obviously, there's this degree of wanting people to accept other people faiths and philosophies.
 Ridley Scott
Exchanging blows generously, which is not uncommon in some other martial arts, is unthinkable in Shaolin philosophy, because a Shaolin disciple always assumes that an opponent is competent and able to inflict damage with just one blow.
 Wong Kiew Kit
Socrates condemned art because he preferred philosophy and only after much internal struggle did Plato accept this judgment.
The food we ate was Indian, and both my mother and father were very deep into the ancient philosophy of India, so it could well have been an Indian household.
 Amar Bose
We must set an example now and move environmentalism from being the philosophy of a passionate minority ... to a way of life that automatically integrates ecology into governmental policy and normal living standards.
I've been accused of being very vain about my apathy.
 Bret Easton Ellis
Philosophy ... bears witness to the deepest love of reflection, to absolute delight in wisdom.
The glory of riches and of beauty is frail and transitory; virtue remains bright and eternal. [Lat., Divitarum et formae gloria fluxa atque fragilis; virtus clara aeternaque habetur.]
I think that when people are at their best, when they are thinking, reflecting, cogitating, then they are doing philosophy. So I don\'t see philosophy as an academic enterprise.
I think that when people are at their best, when they are thinking, reflecting, cogitating, then they are doing philosophy. So I don't see philosophy as an academic enterprise.
 Simon Critchley
General Motors, General Mills, General Foods, general ignorance, general apathy, and general cussedness elect presidents and Congressmen and maintain them in power.
 Herbert M. Shelton
Science repudiates philosophy. In other words, it has never cared to justify its truth or explain its meaning.
I was ready to accept the philosophy that the Party is right and that in the coming struggle you could not permit yourself any doubts after the party had made a decision.
 Klaus Fuchs
The mere abhorrence of vice is not a virtue at all.
 Bergen Evans
God loves only one philosophy, And that is the Do-it-here-now philosophy.
I find it's a very positive movement and something you can do every day in little ways. Our philosophy on the website ( is not to have green guilt, do what you can.
 Rachel McAdams
[A] free government . . . cannot be supported without Virtue.
 Samuel Williams
When Philosophy with its abstractions paints grey in grey, the freshness and life of youth has gone, the reconciliation is not a reconciliation in the actual, but in the ideal world.
 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
I have a philosophy that you\'ve always got to honor the past, acknowledge the present and leave room in your space for the future... Talk to the person you are in love with that you\'re sharing with, understand what\'s important to them.
I have a philosophy that you've always got to honor the past, acknowledge the present and leave room in your space for the future... Talk to the person you are in love with that you're sharing with, understand what's important to them.
 Jeremiah Brent
You can't be saved, oblivion is all you crave.
 Robert Palmer