Stoic Quotes: Timeless Wisdom for a Fulfilling Life - page 21

I published only in academic journals in philosophy until I was in my 40s, but I had been writing fiction and poetry my whole adult life - without ever once trying to publish it, and rarely letting anyone read it.
I published only in academic journals in philosophy until I was in my 40s, but I had been writing fiction and poetry my whole adult life - without ever once trying to publish it, and rarely letting anyone read it.
 Cheryl Mendelson
Apathy in general; people who are not standing up for what they believe in because somebody's got a louder mouth than them; it doesn't make any sense.
 Avan Jogia
Unless I accept my faults, I will most certainly doubt my virtues.
 Hugh Prather
When one is frightened of the truth then it is never the whole truth that one has an inkling of.
 Ludwig Wittgenstein
Autonomous state actions will regularly take forms that attempt to reinforce the authority, political longevity, and social control of the state.
 Theda Skocpol
That's always been my philosophy. - I've never thought of the consequences of a necessary action.
Laws provide, as much as ispossible that the goods and health of subjects be not injured by the fraud and violence of others. They do not guard them from thenegligence or ill-husbandry of the possessors themselves.
 John Locke
If you think you're free, there's no escape possible.
 Ram Dass
Our volitional habits depend, then, first, on what the stock of ideas is which we have; and, second, on the habitual coupling of the several ideas with action or inaction respectively.
I don\'t really believe in dialogue; I am too Nietzschean for that. We need to have a warrior conception of philosophy.
I don't really believe in dialogue; I am too Nietzschean for that. We need to have a warrior conception of philosophy.
 Bernard-Henri Levy
Only on paper has humanity yet achieved glory, beauty, truth, knowledge, virtue, and abiding love.
It is as absurd to expect members of philosophy departments to be philosophers as it is to expect members of art departments to be artists.
 Leo Strauss
The old philosophy was that parents, especially mothers, caused their kids to become schizophrenic. Now we see that when a kid is this crazy, he'll make the family begin to seem crazy.
 John R. Talbott
Abortion does not compute with my philosophy.
 Kate Mulgrew
There is nothing that is meritorious but virtue and friendship.
You mourn, for it is proper to mourn. But your grief serves you; you do not become a slave to grief. You bid the dead farewell, and you continue.
I read these words which are the sum of all moral philosophy, and which cut short all the disputes of the casuists: When in doubt if an action is good or bad, refrain.
Any union that can't accept workers choosing their own representatives through universal franchise is finished.
 Jacques Delors
Virtue does not consist in the absence of the passions, but in the control of them.
Virtue does not consist in the absence of the passions, but in the control of them.
 Josh Billings
We cannot sense without acting and we cannot act without sensing.
 Thomas Hanna