Spiritual Love is born of ...

Spiritual Love is born of sorrow. . . . For men love one another with spiritual love only when they have suffered the same sorrow together, when through long days they have ploughed the stony ground buried beneath the common yoke of a common grief. It is then that they know one another and feel one another and feel with one another in their common anguish, and so they pity one another and love one another.
 Miguel de Unamuno

Quotes from the same author

If a philosopher is not a man, he is anything but a philosopher; he is above all a pedant, and a pedant is a caricature of a man.
 Miguel de Unamuno
Man habitually sacrifices his life to his purse, but he sacrifices his purse to his vanity.
 Miguel de Unamuno
For it is the suffering flesh, it is suffering, it is death, that lovers perpetuate upon the earth. Love is at once the brother, son, and father of death, which is its sister, mother, and daughter. And thus it is that in the depth of love there is a depth
 Miguel de Unamuno
Your neighbor's vision is as true for him as your own vision is true for you.
 Miguel de Unamuno
It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.
 Miguel de Unamuno