Slavery, properly so called, ...

Slavery, properly so called, is the establishment of a right which gives to one man such a power over another as renders him absolute master of his life and fortune.
 Baron de Montesquieu

Quotes from the same author

It is not the young people that degenerate; they are not spoiled till those of mature age are already sunk into corruption.
 Baron de Montesquieu
Life was given to me as a favor, so I may abandon it when it is one no longer.
 Baron de Montesquieu
In the matter of dress one should always keep below one's ability.
 Baron de Montesquieu
I should like to abolish funerals; the time to mourn a person is at his birth, not his death.
 Baron de Montesquieu
Thus the creation, which seems an arbitrary act, supposes laws as invariable as those of the fatality of the Atheists. It would be absurd to say that the Creator might govern the world without those rules, since without them it could not subsist.
 Baron de Montesquieu