Since Khomeini's death, the ...

Since Khomeini's death, the popular appeal of an Islamic state - and of fundamentalism - has surely dimmed. Thinkers still debate and warriors kill, but no country seems prepared to emulate Iran. Perhaps revolutions happen only under majestic leaders, and no one like Khomeini has since appeared.
 Ruhollah Khomeini

Quotes from the same author

After the Shah's departure from Iran, I will not become a president nor accept any other leadership role. Just like before, I limit my activities only to guiding and directing the people.
 Ruhollah Khomeini
The freedom-lovers of the world mourn the sad demise of Imam Khomeini.
 Ruhollah Khomeini
We are not afraid of economic sanctions or military intervention. What we are afraid of is Western universities.
 Ruhollah Khomeini
The Imam throughout his life called America 'the Great Satan'. He believed that all the Muslims' problems were caused by America.
 Ruhollah Khomeini
Americans are the great Satan, the wounded snake.
 Ruhollah Khomeini