Sentimentalist" is the abuse ...

Sentimentalist" is the abuse with which people counter the accusation that they are cruel, thereby implying that to be sentimental is worse that to be cruel, which it isn't.
 Brigid Brophy

Quotes from the same author

I refuse absolutely to consign the whole male sex to the nursery. ... I obdurately insist on believing that some men are my equals.
 Brigid Brophy
To argue that we humans are capable of complex multifarious thought and feeling, whereas the sheep's perception is probably limited by lowly sheepish perceptions, is no more to the point than if I were to slaughter and eat you on the grounds that I am a sophisticated personality able to enjoy Mozart, formal logic and cannibalism, whereas your imaginative world seems confined to True Romances and tinned spaghetti.
 Brigid Brophy