Seek on high bare trails ...

Seek on high bare trails Sky-reflecting violets... Mountain-top jewels
 Matsuo Basho

Quotes from the same author

A thicket of summer grass / Is all that remains / Of the dreams of ancient warriors.
 Matsuo Basho
No matter where your interest lies, you will not be able to accomplish anything unless you bring your deepest devotion to it.
 Matsuo Basho
Make the universe your companion, always bearing in mind the true nature of things-mountains and rivers, trees and grasses, and humanity-and enjoy the falling blossoms and the scattering leaves.
 Matsuo Basho
Mountain-rose petals Falling, falling, falling now... Waterfall music
 Matsuo Basho
Fresh spring! / The world is only Nine days old - / These fields and mountains!
 Matsuo Basho