Inspiring Responsibility Quotes to Help You Take Charge of Your Life - page 99

Self-control is the ability to restrain a laugh at the wrong place.
Self-control is the ability to restrain a laugh at the wrong place.
Art has always been the raft onto which we climb to save our sanity. I don't see a different purpose for it now.
 Dorothea Tanning
If one is to use public funds he must accept a responsibility to the public.
 Thomas Francis, Jr.
All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, it will not change you.
All production is for the purpose of ultimately satisfying a consumer.
 John Maynard Keynes
To succeed in life, we must stay within our strength zone but continually move outside our comfort zone.
An old American patriot described today’s situation very well. As America fought for its independence, Benjamin Franklin said, we must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
 John F. Kerry
At first, students tend to freeze at the first effort. The breakthrough comes when they realize that they can make it better - can identify what their purposes were and realize better ways to achieve those purposes.
 M. H. Abrams
The purpose of a spirit filled life is to demonstrate the supernatural power of our living God so that the unsaved multitudes will abandon their dead gods to call upon the name of The Lord and be delivered.
 T.L. Osborn
The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being.
The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being.
 Konrad Lorenz
Take full responsibility for your life, move forward in the direction of your dreams
 Gary Blair
As far as beauty is concerned, in order to be confident we must accept that the way we look and feel is our own responsibility.
 Sophia Loren
The capacity of Iraq's security forces has improved, and Iraq's leaders have made strides toward political accommodation
Liberty is no heirloom. It requires the daily bread of self-denial, the salt of law and, above all, the backbone of acknowledging responsibility for our deeds.
 Fulton J. Sheen
I think people get satisfaction from living for a cause that's greater than themselves. They want to leave an imprint. By writing books, I'm trying to do that in a modest way.
 Daniel H. Pink
The price of freedom is responsibility, but it's a bargain, because freedom is priceless.
 Hugh Downs
I must admit I'm a total control freak. That is the way that it works best for me.
Each finger on your shooting hand is accountable to each shot. Just like each thought you think has some accountability to someone or somewhere.
 Ed Palubinskas
I love free trade, but we need great leadership to have real free trade. And we don\'t have good leadership. We have leadership that doesn\'t know what it\'s doing.
I love free trade, but we need great leadership to have real free trade. And we don't have good leadership. We have leadership that doesn't know what it's doing.
Deregulation has been, above all else, a means of reducing corporate business's accountability to the public.
 Herbert Schiller