Inspiring Responsibility Quotes to Help You Take Charge of Your Life - page 65

Congressman, would you agree with this? If I\'m a leader and I\'m seeing and I\'m watching what everybody else is watching and an attack on Mosul is imminent, I\'m saying bye folks, have a good time I\'m moving into a different city.
Congressman, would you agree with this? If I'm a leader and I'm seeing and I'm watching what everybody else is watching and an attack on Mosul is imminent, I'm saying bye folks, have a good time I'm moving into a different city.
Spiritual power comes out of inward fellowship with God and abandonment to his purposes.
 E. Stanley Jones
I accept full responsibility for what I wrote and apologize to everyone who was offended.
 Amy Pascal
As a world leader who refused to accept injustice, Nelson Mandela's courage helped change our entire world
 Salil Shetty
The very beating of your heart has meaning and purpose. Your actions have value far greater than silver or gold.
 Andy Andrews
We are accountable only to ourselves for what happens to us in our lives.
 Mildred Newman
Any time you put on the mouthpiece of somebody that you're not, there's a professional responsibility to get it right. I did a great deal of research in both of those arenas.
I'm a control freak. Totally.
 Stanley Tucci
Your ability to let go is part of the duty that you have.
They [Greenpeace] forgot their original purpose and turned into a big, rich bureaucracy, more interested in fund-raising than in saving lives, so I got fed up and quit... they\'re a bunch of wimps.
They [Greenpeace] forgot their original purpose and turned into a big, rich bureaucracy, more interested in fund-raising than in saving lives, so I got fed up and quit... they're a bunch of wimps.
 Paul Watson
I made the decision. I'm accountable.
 Janet Reno
In duty the individual acquires his substantive freedom
 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
 Edward Everett
There's nothing wrong in suffering, if you suffer for a purpose. Our revolution didn't abolish danger or death. It simply made danger and death worthwhile.
I'm kind of a control freak. I like to be really prepared.
 Caitlin Fitzgerald
The very ingredients that nurture love - mutuality, reciprocity, protection, worry, responsibility for the other - are sometimes the very ingredients that stifle desire.
 Esther Perel
the voluntary relinquishing of responsibility for our lives and our actions is one of the greatest enemies of our time.
 Genesis P-Orridge
There's a real danger in the way our representative government functions today. It functions properly only when paired with accountability.
Fear is the opportunity for courage, not proof of cowardice.
Fear is the opportunity for courage, not proof of cowardice.
The only life many of the leaders of the anti-family planning movement seem to care about -- indeed obsess about -- is life before birth and after death.
 Riane Eisler