Inspiring Responsibility Quotes to Help You Take Charge of Your Life - page 56

Yours is only what you always have on you.
Yours is only what you always have on you.
 Peter Deunov
It is essential for the oppressed to realize that when they accept the struggle for humanization they also accept, from that moment, their total responsibility for the struggle.
 Paulo Freire
The most important words that have helped me in life, when things have gone right or when things have gone wrong are 'accept responsibility.'
 Billie Jean King
There is accumulation. There is responsibility. And beyond this there is great unrest.
 Julian Barnes
[Tibet] never sought any territory. All it wanted is the conquest of the soul, that people should attain a kind of inner sovereignty, inner independence, inner freedom. And inner strength to attain the absolute.
If we accept and acquiesce in the face of discrimination, we accept the responsibility ourselves. We should, therefore, protest openly everything ... that smacks of discrimination or slander.
 Mary McLeod Bethune
It's important to see things in perspective. Automobile traffic is responsible for only 12 percent of total CO2 emissions. One should be able to point this out without being accused of changing the subject.
 Martin Winterkorn
You and you alone are responsible for taking actions to create the life of your dreams. Nobody else can (or will) do it for you.
I will leap into my grave laughing because the feeling that I have five million human beings on my conscience is for me a source of extraordinary satisfaction.
 Adolf Eichmann
Move decisions out to the Cabinet and agencies. Strengthen them by moving responsibility, authority, and accountability their direction.
Move decisions out to the Cabinet and agencies. Strengthen them by moving responsibility, authority, and accountability their direction.
 Donald Rumsfeld
Bush may be a strong leader in the war on terrorism, but on budget deficits he is missing-in-action.
 Jim Cooper
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
The secret lives of politicians are always shady. People need to accept the fact that their leaders aren't perfect. No one is.
 Evan Rachel Wood
it was love, of course, though I didn't know it then and Finn was both its subject and object. He accepted love instinctively, without responsibility or conditions, like a wild thing glimpsed through trees.
 Meg Rosoff
According to an old French motto, Noblesse oblige - one must live up to one's name. The Rothschilds' condition of life has imposed on them a second motto: Richesse oblige - one must live up to one's fortune.
 Guy de Rothschild
The question in life is not whether you get knocked down. You will. The question is, are you ready to get back up... And fight for what you believe in?
 Dan Quayle
Lose this day loitering 'Twill be the same old story, Tomorrow and the next, Even more dilatory. Whatever you would do, Or dream of doing, begin it! Boldness has power, genius, and magic in it. Begin it now.
No religion has mandated killing others as a requirement for its sustenance or promotion.
 Abdul Kalam
American special relationships with Israel and Saudi Arabia blind us to their dreadful encroachments on human rights, as well as confer impunity on their leaders with respect to accountability for crimes against humanity.
American special relationships with Israel and Saudi Arabia blind us to their dreadful encroachments on human rights, as well as confer impunity on their leaders with respect to accountability for crimes against humanity.
 Richard A. Falk
War is a foolish, childish, animalistic, unthinking, unintelligent way of trying to accomplish a purpose.
 Jayne Mansfield