Inspiring Responsibility Quotes to Help You Take Charge of Your Life - page 49

We remember Ronald Reagan as a man who maximized his gifts from an unknown to an actor to a Governor to the leader of the Free World.
We remember Ronald Reagan as a man who maximized his gifts from an unknown to an actor to a Governor to the leader of the Free World.
 Richard Burr
I regard singing pretty much like acting. Each song is like playing a different role. I get very involved with my material. I feel a responsibility for the emotion it brings out in the listener.
 Peggy Lee
If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.
 Joseph Stalin
Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.
A leader who loses his connection to his people soon loses the ability to lead them.
 Robert Ley
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
 Yoko Ono
Education is the mother of leadership.
 Wendell Willkie
Acquire knowledge before you become leaders and pride prevents you from learning and you live in ignorance.
Indians, we would like to be a part of the nuclear world order, accepting all the responsibilities that go with being a responsible nuclear power, and at the same time enlarging our options with regard to energy security of our country.
 Manmohan Singh
Everyone has a responsibility to not only tolerate another person\'s point of view, but also to accept it eagerly as a challenge to your own understanding. And express those challenges in terms of serving other people.
Everyone has a responsibility to not only tolerate another person's point of view, but also to accept it eagerly as a challenge to your own understanding. And express those challenges in terms of serving other people.
 Arlo Guthrie
We have lots of studies about what's wrong with our education system. We need to accept responsibility, be bold, find solutions and move forward to make education a centerpiece of our economic development.
 Christine Gregoire
Liberty without Learning is always in peril and Learning without Liberty is always in vain.
Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.
Our legislation addresses broadcasts over the public airwaves, but I hope the cable and satellite industries see the importance of this issue and voluntarily create a family tier of programming and offer culturally responsible products.
 Charles W. Pickering
So what am I willing to do? Do my work heartily, unto the Lord. There is no higher accountability in life than to do something for God. So that's kind of how I operate.
 Mark Richt
...Had proven himself a leader of remarkable ability, a man not only of enterprising ideas, but with the staying power to carry them out.
 David McCullough
I also do not like the idea of soft money, these issue ads - people don't know where the money is coming from, millions and millions of dollars outside of the control of a candidate - there's no accountability.
 Scott McCallum
In leadership writ large, mutually agreed upon purposes help people achieve consensus, assume responsibility, work for the common good, and build community.
 Joseph C. Rost
To fulfill you potential, you need to move out of your comfort zone and into the legacy zone.
To fulfill you potential, you need to move out of your comfort zone and into the legacy zone.
 David Cottrell
I do not reject responsibility - our movement made mistakes, like every other movement in the world. But there was another aspect that was outside our control - the enemy's activities against us.
 Pol Pot