Inspiring Responsibility Quotes to Help You Take Charge of Your Life - page 41

Liberty can no more exist without virtue and independence than the body can live and move without a soul.
Liberty can no more exist without virtue and independence than the body can live and move without a soul.
Once I gave up the hunt for villains, I had little recourse but to take responsibility for my choices.... Needless to say, this is far less satisfying that nailing villains. It also turned out to be more healing in the end.
 Barbara Brown Taylor
When you become a leader, you lose the right to think about yourself.
 Gerald Brooks
What's important is not the accolades and memories of success but the way you respond when opportunities are denied.
 Tony Dungy
We never can tell how our lives may work to the account of the general good, and we are not wise enough to know if we have fulfilled our mission or not.
 Ellen Swallow Richards
Nurturing has the ability to transform people's lives.
I know it is the fans that are responsible for me being here. I've always tried in each and every broadcast to serve the fans to the best of my ability.
 Harry Caray
In France, the leader of Jacobinism perished on the guillotine; with us, the change of leadership was achieved by means of arrest and banishment. The technique of the process is gentler, but its essence is the same.
 Leon Trotsky
Where countries have been able to carry through on their reform commitments - as in Korea, Thailand and the Philippines - results are starting to come in the form of lower interest rates, new investment and increased growth.
 Lawrence Summers
We have endorsements of our plan from key leaders within the environmental movement. That doesn\'t mean that it includes the whole environmental movement.
We have endorsements of our plan from key leaders within the environmental movement. That doesn't mean that it includes the whole environmental movement.
 Rachel Notley
The ability to provide choices and the right to make choices that prove not detrimental, are the fundamental ingredients of free trade and independence.
 John Truman Stoddert
God's purpose in increasing our trials is to sensitize us to people we never would have been able to relate to otherwise.
 Joni Eareckson Tada
I'm reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose.
 Kobe Bryant
If businesses don't know from state to state what the requirements are for taxes, they have to waste a lot of money on accountants and lawyers before deciding to expand their business into the state next door.
 Bob Goodlatte
My biggest dream is that my words will inspire heart, hope and personal responsibility in people around the globe long after my feet in these shoes aren't walking the planet.
 Mary Anne Radmacher
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.
Those who turn good organizations into great organizations are motivated by a deep creative urge and an inner compulsion for sheer unadulterated excellence for its own sake.
 James C. Collins
The greatest joy of my is when Jesus moves on my heart and tells me to give to someone.
 Johnny Hunt
Fame is a delicate and dangerous creature; I saw people who didn\'t honor it, who refused to take responsibility for it, get destroyed by it. I also saw that stardom in and of itself was empty.
Fame is a delicate and dangerous creature; I saw people who didn't honor it, who refused to take responsibility for it, get destroyed by it. I also saw that stardom in and of itself was empty.
 Patrick Dempsey
When a great burden is lifted, the relief is not always felt at once. The galled places still ache.
 Mary Roberts Rinehart