Inspiring Responsibility Quotes to Help You Take Charge of Your Life - page 27

If we always take the path of least resistance, if we embrace inertia, if we never leap, if we never accept accountability for our choices, how can we find any triumph in our victories or any remorse in our losses?
If we always take the path of least resistance, if we embrace inertia, if we never leap, if we never accept accountability for our choices, how can we find any triumph in our victories or any remorse in our losses?
 Allison Winn Scotch
The emphasis has been on rights, not responsibilities. When it comes to piecing together the fragments of broken lives, we have tended to place the entire burden on the state and its agencies.
 Jonathan Sacks
Why, of course, the people don't want war.
 Hermann Goring
Winning leaders are almost always motivated when the chips are down.
States have the responsibility to create rules and conditions for growth and development, and to channel the benefits to all citizens by providing education and making people able to participate in the economies, and in decision-making.
 Anna Lindh
Success is never an accident it's always on purpose.
 T. D. Jakes
Sanitation is more important than Independence.
But the leaders of the OIC could not even accept Mahathir's proposal, yet they talk about respect and honour.
 Abu Bakar Bashir
Bringing the IRS to heel can start with re-energizing and expanding congressional investigations and holding accountable those responsible for the targeting and other abuses.
 Cleta Mitchell
We also want to make sure Penn State becomes a national leader in this whole area of child abuse prevention and treatment.
We also want to make sure Penn State becomes a national leader in this whole area of child abuse prevention and treatment.
 Rodney Erickson
Ninety percent of leadership is the ability to communicate something people want.
 Dianne Feinstein
Achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls and boys. It is everyones responsibility.
 Ban Ki-moon
There is no greater name for a leader than mother or father. There is no leadership more important than parenthood.
 Sheri L. Dew
We have the ability to provide clean water for every man, woman and child on the Earth. What has been lacking is the collective will to accomplish this. What are we waiting for? This is the commitment we need to make to the world, now.
 Jean-Michel Cousteau
I do want to make a special appeal to women movie stars to, I think, have a special responsibility these days to stop smoking, not to do it up on screen because the example that's being set is really an awful example.
 Joe Eszterhas
In the summer of 1965 I was invited to join Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and returned to academic life as professor with the added responsibility of becoming also Department Chairman.
 George Andrew Olah
The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.
We now recognize that abuse and neglect may be as frequent in nuclear families as love, protection, and commitment are in nonnuclear families.
 David Elkind
Sanctions alone could not stop Iran\'s nuclear program. But they did help bring Iran to the negotiating table.
Sanctions alone could not stop Iran's nuclear program. But they did help bring Iran to the negotiating table.
Things change for the better when we take responsibility for our own thoughts, decisions and actions.
 Eric Thomas