Inspiring Responsibility Quotes to Help You Take Charge of Your Life - page 24

The only good political movement I\'ve seen lately was Occupy Wall Street. They had no leaders, which was genius. But unfortunately it always ends up with some hippy playing a flute.
The only good political movement I've seen lately was Occupy Wall Street. They had no leaders, which was genius. But unfortunately it always ends up with some hippy playing a flute.
 John Lydon
I attribute my ability to maintain cool to God, self-esteem, and knowing my purpose in life. It can't be based on anything material or external.
Ted Turner is still a leader. And he sets a great example. His ability financially has been reduced, but his influence and his example still is an important asset to the whole environmental movement.
 Maurice Strong
Every major accomplishment in a man's life requires a major level of commitment.
 Jim George
There's a definite responsibility that comes with being famous. You shouldn't be able to just dress up and look pretty.
 Rashida Jones
Eventually we all have to accept full and total responsibility for our actions, everything we have done, and have not done.
 Hubert Selby, Jr.
You may not be responsible for getting knocked down. But you're certainly responsible for getting back up.
 Wally Amos
The plain, unvarnished truth is, that every one of us needs the accountability that comes from formal, regular, intimate relationships with other godly people.
 Wayne Mack
The American experience influenced my understanding of individuality, basic human rights, freedom of expression and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
 Ai Weiwei
I\'m an extremely private dude and all this is happening so damn quick. I really haven\'t had any time to rationalize it. But it\'s nothing that I\'m going to let freak me out or take control of me or my thoughts or my real life.
I'm an extremely private dude and all this is happening so damn quick. I really haven't had any time to rationalize it. But it's nothing that I'm going to let freak me out or take control of me or my thoughts or my real life.
 Heath Ledger
You shouldn’t blindly accept a leader’s advice. You’ve got to question leaders on occasion.
Business leaders must find ways to infuse mundane business activities with deeper, soul-stirring ideals, such as honor, truth, love, justice, and beauty.
 Gary Hamel
Implicit in true freedom of spirit lies a proud and virile will. Such glorious power of free will to choose, envisages beneficent social responsibility as manifest and welcome.
 Louis Sullivan
The more freedom we enjoy, the greater the responsibility we bear, toward others as well as ourselves.
 Oscar Arias
Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.
A student under my care owes his first allegiance to himself and not to my specialty; and must not be burdened with my work as if he followed no other and had contracted no obligation under heaven but that of satisfying my requirements.
 Jacques Barzun
One is too small a number to achieve greatness. No accomplishment of real value has ever been achieved by a human being working alone.
Leadership implies movement toward something and convictions provide that direction.
 Don Shula
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
I like being a mother. For some people, it's so much work that it can be a burden. But it's not for me, maybe because I had my daughter, Valentina, later on in life, at 41.