Inspiring Responsibility Quotes to Help You Take Charge of Your Life - page 123

No, but I\'ve always felt that with true talent, and a commitment to hard work, it is possible to achieve an enduring respect and appreciation. In other words, I don\'t take my fans for granted.
No, but I've always felt that with true talent, and a commitment to hard work, it is possible to achieve an enduring respect and appreciation. In other words, I don't take my fans for granted.
 John Fogerty
Political freedom is neither easy nor automatic, neither pleasant nor secure. It is the responsibility of the individual for the decisions of society as if they were his own decisions-as in moral truth and accountability they are.
You're only responsible for your own actions. You can't control how someone else reacts to what you do. You made a choice. Stand by it.
 Kekla Magoon
Let freedom never perish in your hands.
Leadership is, among other things, the ability to inflict pain and get away with it - short-term pain for long-term gain.
 George Will
Frankness is not a license to say anything you want, wherever and whenever you want. It is not rudeness.
Men must stop being jealous of their power and generously allow freedom and responsibility to others. The reward is harmonious families and society.
 Delphine de Girardin
I saw clearly how those who saved the state so heroically and courageously in the War of Independence would be capable of bringing a catastrophe upon it if they are given the chance in normal times.
 Moshe Sharett
Nobody makes movies bad on purpose.
 Roland Emmerich
It\'s closer to just acting in a film because it was a six-month commitment. We got to fly all over the world.
It's closer to just acting in a film because it was a six-month commitment. We got to fly all over the world.
 Alan Tudyk
A common lament of the World War II generation is the absence today of personal responsibility
 Tom Brokaw
Better guilt than the terrible burden of freedom and responsibility.
 Ernest Becker
There are no accidents... there is only some purpose that we haven't yet understood.
There are many whose tongues might govern multitudes, if they could govern their tongues.
 Jim Prentice
It is our duty and our privilege to keep America moving forward.
 Bill Frist
Leaders such as Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Franklin D. Roosevelt and others promulgated a vision and a moving story of how their people could achieve a great purpose.
 Philip Kotler
I played a lot of leaders, autocratic sorts; perhaps it was my Canadian accent.
 Leslie Nielsen
Always resignation and acceptance. Always prudence and honour and duty. Elinor, where is your heart?
Only when we realize that there is no eternal, unchanging truth or absolute truth can we arouse in ourselves a sense of intellectual responsibility.
Only when we realize that there is no eternal, unchanging truth or absolute truth can we arouse in ourselves a sense of intellectual responsibility.
 Hu Shih
The coaching process is unique in how it accomplishes leadership development. The coach works not by providing answers per se but by asking questions through which the leader gains new insights and takes new actions.
 Aubrey Malphurs