Inspiring Responsibility Quotes to Help You Take Charge of Your Life - page 108

Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the legitimate goals of his life.
Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the legitimate goals of his life.
Our detachments move us toward freedom and death.
You must accept responsibility for your actions, but not the credit for your achievements.
Mothers - especially single mothers - are heroic in their efforts to raise our nation's children, but men must also take responsibility for their children and recognize the impact they have on their families' well-being.
 Evan Bayh
Disinformation is a large part of its[CIA] covert action responsibility, and the American people are the primary target of its lies.
 Ralph McGehee
Move forward with no second-guessing, no guilt trips, no hesitation. Your purpose is to recreate yourself anew in each moment.
What a rope of sand we are without a leader.
 Marjorie Bowen
Do you want to sell sugar water all your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?
It won't do away with hierarchy totally, but the principal leader will be the person who most exemplifies the kind of organization and behavior required who is best able to create the conditions such organizations require.
 Dee Hock
To be a leader in this new economy, you have to love risk-which means patterning your life on the heroic, not on the strategic. Acting boldly is better than acting knowingly.
To be a leader in this new economy, you have to love risk-which means patterning your life on the heroic, not on the strategic. Acting boldly is better than acting knowingly.
 Harriet Rubin
Only the person who does not evade conflict and directs his efforts in keeping with the course of society's development can be an effective leader.
 Georgi Plekhanov
Such manifestations I account as representing the creative leadership of the new forces of thought and appreciation which attend changes in technological pattern and therefore of the pattern of human relationships in society.
 John Grierson
Accept the fact that we have to treat almost anybody as a volunteer.
Until you are willing to accept total and complete responsibility for every aspect of your life, your life will keep sending you experiences designed to get your attention.
If you want to build a boat, do not instruct the men to saw wood, stitch the sails, prepare the tools and organize the work, but make them long for setting sail and travel to distant lands.
 Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Everyone knows about the substantive issues of concern, like federal health care, but very little is said about the process, the lack of accountability.
 Justin Amash
Making a true decision means committing to achieving a result, and then cutting yourself off from any other possibility.
A friend of mine characterizes leaders simply like this: Leaders don't inflict pain. They bear pain.
 Max De Pree
Social networks are these intricate things of beauty, and they\'re so elaborate and so complex and so ubiquitous that one has to ask what purpose they serve.
Social networks are these intricate things of beauty, and they're so elaborate and so complex and so ubiquitous that one has to ask what purpose they serve.
 Nicholas A. Christakis
It's better to make a mistake with the full force of your being than to timidly avoid mistakes with a trembling spirit. Responsibility means recognizing both pleasure and price, action and consequence, then making a choice.
 Dan Millman