Inspiring Responsibility Quotes to Help You Take Charge of Your Life - page 10

Financial security and independence are like a three-legged stool resting on savings, insurance and investments
Financial security and independence are like a three-legged stool resting on savings, insurance and investments
Sanctification means more than being freed from sin. It means the deliberate commitment of myself to the God of my salvation, and being willing to pay whatever it may cost.
Lucifer represents life, though, progress, civilization, liberty, independence. Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Savior.
 H. P. Blavatsky
Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.
Commitment . . . is a binding, but happy, response to duty. It is at once peaceful yet compelling, for it obligates one to action. It is essential to the good life. It is doing what everyone can do.
 James M. Paramore
There is no substitute for accurate knowledge. Know yourself, know your business, know your men.
 Lee Iacocca
I like to browse in occult bookshops if for no other reason than to refresh my commitment to science.
 Heinz Pagels
I'll protect and expand access to no-copay birth control and safe, legal abortion.
Daesh is attacking us. Their leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, wants to destroy the Saudi state. These people are criminals. They're psychopaths.
 Adel al-Jubeir
The health of the people is of supreme importance. All measures looking to their protection against the spread of contagious diseases and to the increase of our sanitary knowledge for such purposes deserve attention of Congress.
The health of the people is of supreme importance. All measures looking to their protection against the spread of contagious diseases and to the increase of our sanitary knowledge for such purposes deserve attention of Congress.
 Chester A. Arthur
‎Old enough to kill means old enough to die
 Janet Morris
The most prepared are the most dedicated.
 Raymond Berry
I collaborate with people who know I'm a control freak.
 Kevin Biegel
A good leader sets the right goals, gets things moving, and helps us to discover that we already know what to do.
 Donella Meadows
practically nothing we do ever stands by itself. If it is good, it will serve some good purpose in the future. If it is evil, it may haunt us and handicap our efforts in unimagined ways.
No nation being under another nation can accept gifts, and kick at the responsibility attached to those gifts, imposed by the conquering nation.
The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.
Ministers must not be able to set rules governing solicitors on a whim, to suit their own requirements.
 Kevin Martin
The Europeans must now honor their commitments. That is the position that France is defending.
The Europeans must now honor their commitments. That is the position that France is defending.
 Francois Fillon
Even if you achieve your outer purpose, it will never satisfy you if you haven't found your inner purpose, which is awakening, being present, being in alignment with life. True power comes out of the presence; it is the presence.