When a person does not think, ...

When a person does not think, "Where shall I put it?" the mind will extend throughout the entire body and move to any place at all. . . . The effort not to stop the mind in just one place - this is discipline. Not stopping the mind is object and essence. Put it nowhere and it will be everywhere. Even in moving the mind outside the body, if it is sent in one direction, it will be lacking in nine others. If the mind is not restricted to just one direction, it will be in all ten.
 Takuan Soho

Quotes from the same author

One is not likely to achieve understanding from the explanation of another.
 Takuan Soho
It is the very mind itself that leads the mind astray - of the mind, do not be mindless
 Takuan Soho
When one practices discipline and moves from the beginner's territory to immovable wisdom, one makes a return and falls back to the level of the beginner.
 Takuan Soho